Day 35
It’s day 35 of the partial government shutdown. Where you fall on the political spectrum is of no concern here. The concern is around continued care for people regardless of their ability to pay.
Federally funded health centers around the country serve more than 27 million people or around 1 in 12 people. A demographic breakdown of who they serve is below.

AMP FQHC Clients
We asked three of our long-time FQHC clients, who asked to remain anonymous, how the shutdown has impacted their facilities and patients and these are their responses:
“It has had no effect, it is business as usual.”
FQHC in Arizona
“It is not impacting us. No payments stopped or issues.”
FQHC in Texas
“Really isn’t affecting us since we are already funded for our program.”
FQHC in Virginia
FQHCs play a vital role in our health care ecosystem, and it is has been great to learn that the shutdown is not keeping them form seeing patients. Granted, these are only three FQHCs out of thousands across the country. If you are hearing a different story, we would love to hear about it. You c