The consumerization of healthcare is forcing clinics to take a closer look at their marketing efforts. Historically, FQHCs marketing budgets are but a fraction of their operating income. With this, we wanted to pass along a few FREE marketing tools and resources that will be an asset to your marketing toolbox.
Databox – Databox pulls all your data into one place, so you can track performance and discover insights in real time. You can link up to three sources for free. This is a great visual tool to look at your social media performance in real time.
Drift – Drift is the world’s first and only conversational marketing platform. Ditch the forms on your website and talk with your website visitors in real time. Their free version allows you to easily put a chat feature on your website and visit with customers in real time.
SalesHandy – SalesHandy provides you with unlimited email tracking. Find out when people open your email and more. Their free version allows you to track an unlimited number of emails a month and works on most major email platforms.
Podcast: Healthcare Marketing Underground – The Healthcare Marketing Underground is ReviveHealth’s weekly podcast. From ROI to content marketing to healthcare reform, we hit it all. Episodes range from 30 minutes to an hour.
Book: The Storytelling Edge – How to Transform your Business, Stop Screaming into the Void, and Make People Love you. We all grew up listening to stories and as adults we still enjoy them. Tell yours and cut through the noise.
Influencers: 25 Healthcare Marketing Experts you should Follow – Join thousands of providers and practice managers. Get weekly tips to build a profitable practice. Learn from experts in your field and grow.
Adaptive Medical Partners is not endorsed by any of the above-mentioned resources. It is our hope you will find value in at least one and it will help grow your practice.